Wednesday 26 August 2015

How to control Childhood Obesity

Increasing cases of childhood obesity have become a major concern for parents all over the country.But Eating eight kind of food, along with exercising ,can tackle this issue to a great extent.

Together You can !

The best way to inculcate healthy habits in your children is to involve the entire family by increasing physical activities.How you can achieve it.....

  • Do what you preach.When your children realize that you are physically active  and having fun ,they would be more active and stay active for the rest of their lives.
  • Remember to plan family activities that provides everyone with exercise.So go for walking,biking or swimming together and let the kids know that it can be so much fun.
  • Many a time ,overweight children feel uncomfortable about participating in some activities .So be sensitive to your child's needs.As a parent , it is important to help your child find physical activities that they enjoy rather than making them do something that they find embarrassing or too difficult.
  • Make a conscious decision to reduce the amount of time you and your family spend on sedentary activities like watching TV,surfing  the Net or playing video games.

Monday 17 August 2015

Things that should keep in mind during use of Diaper or Huggies

  • You can keep huggies/ diaper on baby for long time maybe for even 6-7 hours during daytime and rest depends on baby someday he pee little then other day so u can check after every one or two hours .

  • Choosing the Correct Size Huggies


    Diaper Size

    Age of Baby

    up to 1 year
    1-3 years
    3-4 years
    Extra Large
    4-5 years

  • You shouldn't keep a wet diaper on a baby more than 2 hours at a time. Even if there is only a little urine. It can cause infection and a rash when it sits against the skin for a long time.
  • Investigating Huggies Size Options correctly according to the baby weight before buying huggies for baby.
  • As far as night time, if the baby sleeps thru the night and doesn't seem uncomfortable or get a rash, just change him/her in the morning immediately.
  • Always clean the area well with clear water after taking out Huggie.
  • For a newborn, you'd need to change it every two hours or when the baby wakes up.

Monday 10 August 2015

How to overcome BreastFeeding Challenges

Yesterday I was going through a useful article in newspaper .So try to share that with all Moms and Moms-to-be. It is highly worth reading.

As you know from time restraints to lack of suitable services ,New moms who choose to breastfeed are faced with various challenges. Even we know breastfeeding has huge benefits for both baby and mother,but unfortunately ,in Today’s loud, demanding and fast moving world, finding the opportunity to breastfeed is not easy.


- Breastfeeding within one hour of delivery.

- Skin to skin contact improves mother-infant interaction,bonding.

- Babies who are fed nothing but breast milk from birth through their first 6 months of life get the best start.


Here are some Tips to Breastfeeding Moms

Although having a whole new person living under roof may throw your old routines into chaos ,organization is the key to successful breastfeeding.If you try to multitask,your feed is likely to be slow,so try to dedicate time to it and make sure your baby takes as much milk as is needed.
When choosing a breast pump,remember that your comfort is very important. Whether a natural delivery  or a c-Sec, chances are would have a pain in your lower back. And pumping milk takes 15-20 mins .So Try to be relax,The more comfortable you are,the more milk you express.

Being a breastfeeding working mom is a challenge.It takes military organization to have the time at work.Here are three tips to express success.
  1.  Make sure you have quality ,comfortable breast pump, whether manual or electric.So Choose what works better for you.
  2. Ask your workplace if you can have a dedicated area to express in private and a freezer to store your milk.
  3. Just as at home,establishing a routine is key to making sure you’ve refrigerated your milk correctly and provided enough milk for your baby.
Knowing that some people are uncomfortable with public breastfeeding puts most breastfeeding Moms in an awkward position when they choose to feed their baby outside their home.

There is simple solution;
Make sure you have a scarf,wrap or swaddle sheet on hand that you can drape over your shoulder.

Wednesday 5 August 2015

How to train your Toddler for toothBrush

It is Good to brush your kid's teeth for nearly two years.But As he grows older he wants to do the same by himself.Here are few tips for parents who want to train their toddler for brushing.

  • Let your toddler pick the Brush. Take your toddler to the Shop and let him choose his own toothbrush and toothpaste. Let him pick the toothpaste too.Check the packaging for fluoride levels to make sure you're buying the right toothpaste for your baby.
  • Brush along with him. You should also brush your teeth with your toddler while he brushes his teeth. This activity will encourage him and he will do this with interest.Kids love to copy their parents.So he will notice the techniques of your brushing and try to apply the same.
  • Praise your child for brushing himself.
  • Don't force .Your child probably won’t be cleaning the teeth properly in starting days.Once the baby will get used to,he or she will learn the correct technique also.No need to force him.

Start cleaning your baby's teeth twice a day . If you start early, your baby will get used to having his teeth cleaned.

When you've finished, make sure your baby spits out the excess toothpaste.

Monday 3 August 2015

Home Remedy to grow thick and healthy hair on your little one's head

These home remedies are easily obtained and are very easy to process. These helps to increase the length of hair and grow thick hair naturally .

Coconut milk

Massage coconut oil on her head and leave it on. After you wash her hair, put coconut oil on her hair and leave it until you wash her hair. Do it constantly.

Olive Oil

Since the first ancestor, olive oil has been believed to be efficacious treatments for hair care. Olive oil not only can smooth the hair, but it can increase the hair growth process.


Apply 2-3 spoons curd on baby's hair and leave it for 15-20 mins.Then wash the hair with baby soap.When done regularly, it can be seen significant results in hair growth.

Proper Diet

Give your kid proper diet for growing healthy ensure that your child gets all the major food groups, essential nutrients, and vitamins.