Wednesday 5 August 2015

How to train your Toddler for toothBrush

It is Good to brush your kid's teeth for nearly two years.But As he grows older he wants to do the same by himself.Here are few tips for parents who want to train their toddler for brushing.

  • Let your toddler pick the Brush. Take your toddler to the Shop and let him choose his own toothbrush and toothpaste. Let him pick the toothpaste too.Check the packaging for fluoride levels to make sure you're buying the right toothpaste for your baby.
  • Brush along with him. You should also brush your teeth with your toddler while he brushes his teeth. This activity will encourage him and he will do this with interest.Kids love to copy their parents.So he will notice the techniques of your brushing and try to apply the same.
  • Praise your child for brushing himself.
  • Don't force .Your child probably won’t be cleaning the teeth properly in starting days.Once the baby will get used to,he or she will learn the correct technique also.No need to force him.

Start cleaning your baby's teeth twice a day . If you start early, your baby will get used to having his teeth cleaned.

When you've finished, make sure your baby spits out the excess toothpaste.

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