Friday 11 March 2016

Kids, watch that cup of coffee

Survey Shows Daily Intake By School Students In Delhi Higher Than That of US

Excessive intake of caffeine has been linked to bad health. But do children care? A survey conducted by University College of Medical Sciences (UCMS) in three Delhi schools has revealed that on an average students take 121 mg caffeine daily , mainly in the form of coffee and tea.
It is much higher than the average intake reported among teenagers in developed countries. However, there are enough studies to prove excessive caffeine intake can have a negative effect in terms of optimal sleep and overall growth and development. It also ups the risk of engaging in risky behaviours,“ said Dr Piyush Gupta, professor of paediatrics at UCMS.

He added that tea and coffee were the most common sources of caffeine but a few students also consumed energy drinks.

In the survey , published in the latest issue of the Indian Journal of Community Medicine, the researchers found 97% students took caffeine in one or the other form. The effect of caffeine is worst in the children who have anxiety disorder,“ he said.

Dr Omar added that if a child has undiagnosed arrhythmia (irregular heart rhythm), caffeine can increase excitability and worsen the condition.

Apart from coffee, caffeine is found in tea, cola beverages, energy drinks and certain medicines also. “ A mug of instant coffee contains about 100 mg of caffeine. The general advice is that adults should not have more than three to four cups of coffee daily and students not more than two cups,“ said Dr Anoop Misra, chairman. Fortis C-doc.

Caffeine, experts say , also enhances the preference for sweet foods and leads to an overall greater incidence of being overweight. There are more direct effects on neural, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal and renal functions.

So Parents ...Keep an eye on your childrens...

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