Tuesday 5 December 2017

Physical fitness may boost kids academic performance

Children, who are physically fit, may possess a greater volume of Grey matter that may help enhancing their academic performance .Physical fitness leads to the presence of more grey matter in the brain..

An increase in grey matter in various regions of the brain boosts learning ,functioning and reading processes of the child.

The results showed that higher cardio-respiratory  fitness was related to grater grey volumes,specifically in frontal regions,sub cortical region of the brain.

Physical fitness is a factor that can be modified through physical exercise and combining exercise and improve the aerobic capacity and motor ability would be an effective approach to stimulate brain development

Wednesday 30 August 2017

Skin Care rules for new Mothers

During and after pregnancy, every part of your body need extra care and attention.Hormonal changes,stretched skin and sweat can trigger painful skin conditions that may cause discomfort and irritation.

Here are few tips to help you keep skin hydrated and moisturized.

  • Choose a mild yet effective body butter that soothes ,hydrates and balance the skin.
  • Choose  a moisturiser having rose,jasmine fragrance that help relax the mind.
  • Avoid wearing synthetic and rough material that cause rash and irritation to the skin.
  • Avoid using strong soaps,instead use a mild soap which prevents the post bath dryness.
  • During the initial days of breastfeeding ,you may experience sore and cracked nipples.Use product with natural ingredients that enriched with coconut oil that helps protect the skin from cracks .
  • Massage your skin daily with oil that is enriched with sesame oil.

Wednesday 9 August 2017


  • Get more protein Vitamin C and B, minerals like zinc , calcium , magnesium and iron
  • Use a good quality probiotic.
  • Eat organic as far as possible.
  • Avoid artificial sweeteners /MSG /artificial colours and flavours.

Breastfeeding good for mums

Breastfeeding can do wonders to not just the baby's health but the mother's too in a big way.


The process burns up a lot of energy . It breaks down the unnecessary fat that accumulate in a woman's body during pregnancy.


Nursing reduces a woman's lifetime exposure to hormones like estrogen , which can promote breast cancer cell growth .


Breastfeeding  protects mental health because it lower the inflammatory response.


Studies show that mother who are breastfeeding their babies report longer longer sleep times and feel better and more energetic during the day.


Study says breastfeeding may help mothers lower their risk of heart attack and stork.this happens because the body 's metabolism changes after giving birth,doing away with excess fat serves.

Tuesday 11 July 2017

Must Eye Exercises for KIDS

Simple and Must Exercises for your Gadgets Used to Kids

  • PALMING : Rub your palms together to generate heat.Cup your palms over your closed eyes. Repeat this for few minutes DAILY.

  • BLINKING : The simplest of all exercises,blinking rapidly helps keep your eyes moisturized.

  • EYES ROLLING : Closed your eyes and roll your pupils in circular motion.Do this exercise clockwise and counter clockwise , five times each.

Tuesday 31 January 2017

How to avoid muscle cramp


Lack of water can cause muscles to contract.Even day to day functioning requires you to drink more water than usual, which is 8- 10 glasses.


Lack of iron leads to lack of muscle oxygenation,which results cramps. So eat more iron contains products like leafy green vegetables, whole grains, nuts and meat etc.


Zinc is a trace mineral which is very important for muscular activity,This mineral is found in foods like oysters, crab, red meat , beans and legume.Multivitamin supplement is also good. Also Low Magnesium results in cramps.So one should eat dark leafy vegetables,fish,seeds,nuts,yogurt and bananas.


Vitamin D helps in maintaining the balance of calcium and phosphorous an. A deficiency of this  can cause cramping.Eat egg yolk,fatty fish and cheese.