Thursday 30 July 2015

Home Remedies for Loose Motions

Hydration – Remember feeding your child with the ORS in every 20 – 25 minutes. You can make the solution at home by mixing 8 tea spoons of sugar and 1 tea spoon of salt to 1 liter of water. 

Breastfeeding –If its a breastfed baby, breastfeed as and when the baby demands. It helps to restore the water lost from the body.

Diet – Infants who have started solid food can be given a mixture of carrot and banana. Soups in which sugar and salt are mixed should be given. You can give banana, rice, yogurt, buttermilk and small amount of apple juice.

Gripe Water – This is a certified remedy. Make sure the gripe water is certified and organic.

Lemonade - Lemon juice has anti inflammatory properties that will help in easily clearing the stomach. Extract the juice from one full lemon. Add 1 teaspoon of salt and a tablespoon of sugar to it. Mix it well.Now consume this lemonade every hour .

Pomegranate - Pomegranate is a fruit that will help in reducing the loose motion problems . It is very good in controlling loose motions.

Boiled potatoes - Eat Boiled potato.

Honey - Honey is a natural medicine and very effective in fighting loose stools.

No to Animal Milk - If the child is drinking animal milk, stopping milk for about 12 hours may be preferable.

Take Rest - If loose motion is due to food poisoning, then it is advisable that take complete rest.

Papaya - Raw papaya is found to be effective in treating loose motions. It will help in easing stomach pain as well as reduce stomach cramps.

Monday 27 July 2015

How to Control Diarrhea Fortnight

 Following are the pictures which I clicked from newspaper as I found it very useful for parents.

Precautions :

Things to remember :

Tuesday 21 July 2015

Home remedies for Constipation

Constipation in a toddler can be caused by:
  • not eating enough fibers diet or doesn’t include enough liquids (or both)
  • not drinking enough fluids
  • drinking too much milk and not enough water
  • lack of exercise and activity
  • Side effects of certain medications

Constipation Symptoms:
· Stomach pain and bloating
· Bleeding with bowel movements

Home remedies for Constipation
  • Fruit juice –You can give certain fruit juices to treat constipation. This includes prune, apple, or pear juice (other juices are not as helpful). 
  • Dark corn syrup – Dark corn syrup has been a folk remedy for constipation for hundreds of years. Dark corn syrup contains complex sugar proteins that keep water in the bowel movement. 
  • High-fiber foods – If your infant has started eating solid foods, you can substitute barley cereal for rice cereal. You can also offer other high-fiber fruits and vegetables .Also offer fruit juice with fibers.
  • Sat-EsabGol-Give 1-2 spoon sat-esabgol in warm milk.This will help in smooth bowel movement. 
  • Exercise your baby’s legs in cycling motion in between feeds. It will put pressure on the stomach and help the baby to expel gas.


  1. Call your child's doctor or nurse immediately (during the day or night) if your child has severe abdominal or rectal pain.
  2. You see blood in your child's bowel movement or diaper
  3. Your child has repeated episodes of constipation
  4. Your child complains of pain with bowel movements

Tuesday 14 July 2015

Home remedies for Vomiting (1 year -3 year)

When your infant or young child is vomiting, keep her lying on her stomach or side as much as possible. Doing this will minimize the chances of her inhaling vomit into her upper airway and lungs.

Try the following home remedies to relieve from vomiting

1. ORS solution:-Do not give your baby plain water. Use an oral rehydration solution (ORS) .You can make it at home also.

Recipe for Making a 1 litre ORS solution using Sugar, Salt and Water

  • Clean Water - 1 litre - 5 cupfuls (each cup about 200 ml.)
  • Sugar - Six level teaspoons
  • Salt - Half level teaspoon
  • Stir the mixture till the sugar dissolves.
2. Mint:-Mix mint and suger(for taste) and make a solution to drink.Give3-4 spoons to child in every four hours.
3. No to milk:-Don’t give any milk product.
4. Lemon juice:- It is an effective home treatment for vomiting.
5. Rice water:- It helps to reduce vomiting.

When to Call the Pediatrician

  • Dehydration develops. Signs include your child being thirstier than usual and having less urine than usual.
  • Your child's vomiting does not get better.
  • Your child's symptoms become more severe or frequent.

Saturday 11 July 2015

Home remedies for Gas Pain in Infants and Newborns

  • Burps
  • Gets fussy
  • Is bloated
  • Has cramps
  • Cries
  • Farts
  • Has a hard tummy
are the symptoms when Baby is suffering from Gas Discomfort.

Gas discomfort upsets baby to some degree and it affects both breast-fed and bottle-fed babies. While gas pain is common but particularly bothersome in newborns and young infants between one and four months of age, as their immature guts are developing.

Certain foods like spices, dairy products, pickles or soy or peanuts, eaten by lactating mothers can cause gas problems in infants. Babies suffer from stomach pain, sleeplessness and bloating due to gas formation.

Try the following home remedies to relieve pain and solve the problem of baby gas.

Gripe Water: For more than one hundred years, gripe water has been a trusted remedy to treat infant gas.

Burp: Burp The Baby After Every Feed.

Exercise: Exercise your baby’s legs in cycling motion in between feeds. It will put pressure on the stomach and help the baby to expel gas.

Asafoetida: Dissolve a pinch of asafoetida powder in 2 table spoon warm water and apply it around the baby’s navel
Mustard Oil

Mustard oil massage: helps to lubricate the abdominal muscles of the baby and stimulates their digestive system. Apply warm mustard oil around the baby’s navel.

Whistling: This is technique which old people were used and it is really effective to paas out gas.Touch your baby's navel with your lips tightly and blow air (Phoonk marna in hindi)by your mouth.It should create a sound.Repeat this 5-6 times in one go on baby's tummy.

When Should You Contact the doctor if your baby:

  1. Does not have bowel movements, has bloody stools, or vomits. 
  2. Has a fever. If your baby has a rectal temperature of 100.4 F or higher, a doctor needs to rule out infection. If your baby is under 3 months of age, take her to the doctor right away.

Wednesday 8 July 2015

Home remedies for common cold and cough

It's miserable to watch your child suffer by colds she's likely to catch this year.Kids shouldn't use over-the-counter cold and cough medicine because of potentially dangerous side effects. 

So here I m writing few home remedies for Babies(0-12 months)

  • Rubbing warm mustard oil with a few garlic cloves in it on chest,under nose,back of feet and palm 
  • Boiling water with ajwain and few tulsi leaves and give 2-4 spoons in a day.
  • Mix little ginger in honey (1:2 ratio) and lick little drop with finger 2-3 times a day to your baby
  • U can roast ajwain on tava. Put it in a cloth and give touch on the chest, back, palms, feet of the baby. or  you can keep it near the nose so that baby can smell it. 
  • Dip finger in honey or take little honey on a spoon and make ur baby lick that twice or thrice a day.
  • Breast milk is full of antibodies (which are created by the mother’s body in response to pathogens in her unique environment) and immune factors that protect the baby from common illnesses.
  • Cow Ghee is very useful for kids in cold and cough.Apply on chest and nose really affect fast to cure cold.
If the baby is less than 0-4 months when u  won't give them water , try these above Method for yourself if you are feeding your baby.

Always consult a pediatrician before trying out anything new.

Mommy's please share your thoughts and experiences for other home remedies....

Monday 6 July 2015

How can protect your baby’s teeth

Start cleaning your baby's teeth twice a day as soon as you see his first little tooth bud emerging. If you start early, your baby will get used to having his teeth cleaned. it's best to carry on brushing your child's teeth for him until he's at least seven. By that age, he should be able to do it properly for himself.


The main cause of tooth decay is sugar. It's not just the amount of sugar that can be harmful, but how often it's eaten or drunk throughout the day. Only offer your baby sugary food and drink at mealtimes, so that there will be several hours between the times he has something sweet.
If you want to give your baby a snack between meals, choose savoury options such as cheese or vegetables.

To really give your child the best chance of healthy teeth, you should:

Only offer breastmilk, formula milk, or cooled, boiled water as drinks for your baby.

Avoid squashes, fruit juices, flavoured milk and fizzy drinks. These usually contain lots of sugar and cause tooth decay.

Provide your baby with a healthy, balanced diet and don't add sugar to his food.

If you use prepared baby foods, check that they are sugar-free or have no added sugars or sweeteners.

If your baby needs to take medicine, choose sugar-free versions.

Saturday 4 July 2015

How to Raise a Happy Child

Instill gratitude
Help your child appreciate the everyday wonders of life by stopping what you are doing and expressing thanks for the moment. Doctors say that when parents show gratitude, their children grow up more enthusiastic, joyful, interested, and engaged in the world around them.

Understand your child
When kids feel that their parents understand them, they are happier.

Help your child handle frustration
When your child complains that he can’t do something, like finishing a puzzle or tying his shoes, don’t try to convince him that he can. The child itself then likely to come back to the task, a few minutes or a few days later.

Follow your child’s interests
Happy people are often those who have mastered a skill. Make sure that your child is practicing something they truly enjoy or they won’t be as happy about their successes.

Be a role model
Your child models your behavior, and he can tell when you are unhappy.Your child will follow your example.

Teach your child to do meaningful things
As your toddler gets older, teach her how satisfying it can be to help others. Research shows that people who have meaning in their lives feel less depressed. Working for a charity and helping others can help make life more meaningful. Even helping out with simple household chores, such as putting dirty clothes in the hamper, can help your toddler feel that she is making a contribution.

Encourage physical activity
Always Encourage child to involve in physical activities,This make your child happy . You will also be helping your child establish life-long healthy habits.


Parents please share your thoughts and experiences .

Thursday 2 July 2015

Ways to Discipline Children

Reward Good Behavior-Always appreciate when your child do anything related to good Behavior .

Be Clear About Rules- Your rules for children should clear to you first.These rules should Follow by you also. Accept your mistakes.

Being a Good Disciplinarian-Be a good role model. Behave the way you want your child to behave, or you will be sending mixed signals with your own bad behavior.

Teach your child positive discipline methods-Help your child learn self-control or Help your child learn a sense of responsibility.

Wednesday 1 July 2015

Raise a happy child

Life in most middle class Indian revolves around the children.Both their present and the their future-beginning with health and education-occupy crucial mind space.A parent ‘s list of worries is endless.

The new age has brought with it newer concern:-Primarily the fact that in many homes,with both parents away a work for most of the day,time spent with children is shrinking.

Parents are not quite sure where to draw the line on the numbers of hours their children surf the internet or watch TV  or text on their mobile or spend in malls-especially as the lack of open spaces, or the playground, allow little outdoor activities.

So there is generation of lonely children that’s growing up,often without us even noticing.

Child development experts who study the subject say that happiness isn't something you give preschoolers — it's something you teach them.

"The research clearly shows that happy, optimistic children are the product of happy, optimistic homes, regardless of genetic makeup."