Saturday 4 July 2015

How to Raise a Happy Child

Instill gratitude
Help your child appreciate the everyday wonders of life by stopping what you are doing and expressing thanks for the moment. Doctors say that when parents show gratitude, their children grow up more enthusiastic, joyful, interested, and engaged in the world around them.

Understand your child
When kids feel that their parents understand them, they are happier.

Help your child handle frustration
When your child complains that he can’t do something, like finishing a puzzle or tying his shoes, don’t try to convince him that he can. The child itself then likely to come back to the task, a few minutes or a few days later.

Follow your child’s interests
Happy people are often those who have mastered a skill. Make sure that your child is practicing something they truly enjoy or they won’t be as happy about their successes.

Be a role model
Your child models your behavior, and he can tell when you are unhappy.Your child will follow your example.

Teach your child to do meaningful things
As your toddler gets older, teach her how satisfying it can be to help others. Research shows that people who have meaning in their lives feel less depressed. Working for a charity and helping others can help make life more meaningful. Even helping out with simple household chores, such as putting dirty clothes in the hamper, can help your toddler feel that she is making a contribution.

Encourage physical activity
Always Encourage child to involve in physical activities,This make your child happy . You will also be helping your child establish life-long healthy habits.


Parents please share your thoughts and experiences .

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