Tuesday 14 July 2015

Home remedies for Vomiting (1 year -3 year)

When your infant or young child is vomiting, keep her lying on her stomach or side as much as possible. Doing this will minimize the chances of her inhaling vomit into her upper airway and lungs.

Try the following home remedies to relieve from vomiting

1. ORS solution:-Do not give your baby plain water. Use an oral rehydration solution (ORS) .You can make it at home also.

Recipe for Making a 1 litre ORS solution using Sugar, Salt and Water

  • Clean Water - 1 litre - 5 cupfuls (each cup about 200 ml.)
  • Sugar - Six level teaspoons
  • Salt - Half level teaspoon
  • Stir the mixture till the sugar dissolves.
2. Mint:-Mix mint and suger(for taste) and make a solution to drink.Give3-4 spoons to child in every four hours.
3. No to milk:-Don’t give any milk product.
4. Lemon juice:- It is an effective home treatment for vomiting.
5. Rice water:- It helps to reduce vomiting.

When to Call the Pediatrician

  • Dehydration develops. Signs include your child being thirstier than usual and having less urine than usual.
  • Your child's vomiting does not get better.
  • Your child's symptoms become more severe or frequent.

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