Monday 1 February 2016

Indian kids are obese, face health risks

'22% of Indian kids are obese, face health risks'

A new report by a commission formed by the World Health Organisation (WHO) has identified "marketing of unhealthy foods and non-alcoholic beverages" as a major factor in the increase in numbers of children being overweight and obese, particularly in the developing world.

Globally, the trend is high among children under five years of age with at least 41 million found to be obese or overweight in 2014. 
According to the report, in poorer countries, children of wealthier families are more likely to be obese, especially in cultures where "an overweight child is often considered to be healthy." However, in wealthier countries, poorer children are more likely to be obese partly because of the affordability of fatty fast food and high sugary snacks.

The report has made a host of recommendations to reverse the trend. This includes promoting intake of healthy foods, promoting physical activity, preconception and pregnancy care among others.

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