Wednesday 31 August 2016

Must know facts about your baby's brain

Here are the facts about little one's brain every parents should know .....

Baby' brain grows rapidly

After birth , the human brain grows rapidly , more than doubling to reach 0 % of its adult size by the time the kid is one year.By kindergarten , the brain has reached its full size but may not finish developing until his mid 20's.

Lantern VS Flashlight 

Baby brains have many more neuronal connections than the brains of adult.Baby perception to a lantern , scattering light across the room, where adult perception is more like a flashlight , consciously focused on specific things but ignoring the background details.

Babbling signals learning

Within their lantern 's light, babies focus momentarily.When thy do, they usually  make babbling sounds to convey interest .Few signal to adults that they are ready to learn.What makes babies smarter is talking to them,dialogue is best.Brains can be empowered. 

Educational DVDs are not worth

Babies divide up the world between things that respond to them and things that don't.Things that don't are not worth it.A recording does not follow a baby's cues which is why infant DVDs , have been found to be ineffective.

They need more than parents

Spending time with non-parental caregivers- a granny , a daycare teacher,a family friend -helps infants learn to read different facial expression and expand their ability to take the perspective of others.

Wednesday 17 August 2016

Importance of Breastfeeding and Why it matters ...

Breastfeeding is more than nutrition,it's a parenting tool.

Breastfeeding is the biologically normal way to feed babies.Giving artificial baby milk increases the odds of the child and mother developing certain conditions. For the baby,these include increased risk of infectious morbidity , childhood obesity , leukemia and sudden infant death syndrome etc.. For the mother, not going for breastfeeding increases risks of pre -menopausal breast cancer,ovarian cancer,weight gain etc.

In truth, it is  breastfeeding that gives women  sense of feeling empowered.

Breastfeeding is so much more than nutrition.It is an emotional connection .....

In parts of Europe , maternity leave is a year long with options to extend it further. Considering the benefits it would have to the health of the nation, India has  a long way to go.In addition to extending maternity leave from the current 12 weeks, we need laws in place to ensure that corporate provide adequate pumping rooms and facilities for refrigeration.

Babies could be saved around the world every year through improved breastfeeding rates.

Tuesday 2 August 2016

Bad habits that stop productivity in kids

How to improve bad habits which stop productivity . Let's have a look

These days children like fast food more than healthy food which is not good for them. Junk food can result in lethargy and weight gain.

What you can do:You can make something healthy at home like carrot fries or sliced potatoes grilled with olive oil for them to vanish their craving for salty fries with ketchup.

Kids are very much interested in playing games,watching cartoon or movies on parents's phone.But staying glued to screen for hours can be really bad for them.

What you can do: Try to avoid smart phone in front of their children as they follow parents.Talk to them , listen them and try to understand what they think.Indulge them in outdoor activities which help to develop their brain.

It is easy to forget to drink water whether they are at home or in school.Not drinking enough water  can cause dehydration,nausea and chemical imbalance in body.

What you can do:Give food which have a lot of fluids in them like watermelons,cucumbers and offer lot of water to them.It refreshes and keeps them focused.