Wednesday 17 August 2016

Importance of Breastfeeding and Why it matters ...

Breastfeeding is more than nutrition,it's a parenting tool.

Breastfeeding is the biologically normal way to feed babies.Giving artificial baby milk increases the odds of the child and mother developing certain conditions. For the baby,these include increased risk of infectious morbidity , childhood obesity , leukemia and sudden infant death syndrome etc.. For the mother, not going for breastfeeding increases risks of pre -menopausal breast cancer,ovarian cancer,weight gain etc.

In truth, it is  breastfeeding that gives women  sense of feeling empowered.

Breastfeeding is so much more than nutrition.It is an emotional connection .....

In parts of Europe , maternity leave is a year long with options to extend it further. Considering the benefits it would have to the health of the nation, India has  a long way to go.In addition to extending maternity leave from the current 12 weeks, we need laws in place to ensure that corporate provide adequate pumping rooms and facilities for refrigeration.

Babies could be saved around the world every year through improved breastfeeding rates.

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