Wednesday 24 June 2015

How to Develop healthy eating habits in KIds

Try to ensure that your baby's foods are packed with nutrients.Choose a mixture of foods from the below four main food groups:

· Fruit and vegetables

· Bread, rice, potatoes, pasta

· Milk and dairy foods

· Meat, fish, eggs, beans

Ways to develop Eating habits

Stick with it-If your baby does reject a food, try offering it again on another day. Keep in mind that your baby may need to taste a food up to 8 times before she happily accepts it. Your baby may pull some negative facial expressions when she tries a new food. It doesn't necessarily mean she dislikes what she's eating.

Promote Fruits and Veggies at Dinner-Babies learn by example. So involve your baby in your mealtimes and let her sit at the table with you. Try to eat something when your baby eats so that she can see you enjoying your food. You can act as her role model .Use vegetables and fruits most in your meals.

Don't force-When food is available all day, children don’t develop their own innate sense of the “tank is full” or the “tank is empty” .So don't force if they are full.

Don’t use much fried food- Fried food is full of fat, so cook baked potatoes and grilled chicken When you do cook with fats, choose healthy oils .

Skip fast food- It might be convenient and (sometimes) tasty, but ultimately, most fast food is just not good for anyone at any age.So always avoid junk food in case of kids.

Tuesday 23 June 2015

Fun things to do with your child

You can do with your child

  • Take a Swim class with your child.
  • Learn some simple sign language.
  • Go to Park or join play group.
  • Draw/Color together.
  • Dress Up together.
  • Listen to new music together.
  • Visit a museum.
  • Visit a Zoo..
  • Take a walk.
  • Tell stories about when your child was a baby.
  • Go to a movie together.
  • Finger Paint.
  • Take pictures.
  • Play a sport together.
  • Have a water fight.
  • Play hide and seek.
  • Climb a tree.
  • Walk/play in the rain.
  • Talk about feelings/emotions.
  • Wash the car.
  • Dance party.
  • Spend time simply LISTENING to them.

Saturday 20 June 2015

Toys for 2-3 years

Play fills your preschooler’s days, and the first true friendships begin to develop as social skills improve.

With imagination in full gear, three-year-old's are entering a peak period for pretend play.
And they LOVE to ask questions—about everything! 

Have fun encouraging self-expression and rich, exploratory play for your increasingly independent three-year-old. It's a tricky age though - they get more able to entertain themselves once they start having more capacity for imaginative play.
By mixing new things in with the old, the Busy Boxes will seem a lot more interesting. Kids love getting to pick out a few new toys.

3-year-old might play now

· Likes dressing up or pretending she's someone else

· Loves to move and does not care to be still

· Love to hear that people love her

· Basic ball play—like catching or kicking a ball

· Throw a ball a short distance and can catch it if it's thrown directly in his arms

· Starts drawing faces and people

· Make balls, sausages and figures out of play dough

Children develop at their own pace and reach milestones at different times.

Friday 19 June 2015

Toys for 12-24 Months

2 years-old's are full of energy, enthusiasm and growing independence. Check out toys for twos, plus playtime ideas for fun crafts and activities to help your toddler discover the joys of accomplishing new things.

As an infant, your child may have "played" with toys by shaking, banging, or throwing them. Your toddler now is aware of the function of objects, so is more likely to stack blocks, listen or talk into a toy phone, or push a toy car.

Games that your child might enjoy include peekaboo and chasing games. Toddlers are fascinated with housework. Provide toys that will encourage this, such as spoons to play with while you're cooking.

Other toys that toddlers enjoy include:

· Brightly colored balls

· Blocks, stacking and nesting toys

. Listen or talk into a toy phone

· Fat crayons or markers

· Animal or people figures and dolls

· Toy cars and trains

. Push, pull, and riding toys

Thursday 18 June 2015

Toys for 0-12 Months

As a Parents who is nearing the end of baby’s first year always looking for toys that will promote children’s overall development .

Here is few criteria in making this list:

1. Baby gym 

2. Big ball with rattle 

3. Toy for sitting, standing, and walking 

4. Small rattle balls

Remember, too, that as great as toys are these days, YOU are your baby’s best teacher. Your interaction with baby is more valuable and life changing than any toy.  

For more toys you can visit on following URL 

Wednesday 17 June 2015

As a result of playing a child can

  •  Acquire new social and academic skills
  •  Gain self-confidence
  •  Become better communicators
  •  Become more thoughtful and analytical
  •  Become better listeners
  •  Enjoyment, fun, love of life
  •  Relaxation, release of energy, tension reduction
  •  Self-expression.
  • Attention Regulation
  • Concentration
  • Persistence

Tuesday 16 June 2015

Things To Remember While Buying Toys For Children

Understanding the toy selection process, the proper use of toys and games as play products, and how these tools can positively impact the learning, reading, math, science and experiential processes is a goal worth pursuing.

Things To Remember While Buying Toys For Children
  • Look for toys as per the age.
  • Don't repeat the toys.
  • Read toy instructions before buying the toy to ensure that instructions are clear and review warnings.
  • Before purchasing a toddler toy, consider how many batteries it takes. The cost of replacing batteries adds up fast.
  • Buy educational toys that require directions, cooperation and rules are important in learning, sharing and social skills.
  • After buying these toys, keep all toys, especially plush and soft baby toys, away from heat sources like stoves, fireplaces and heaters - they could catch fire and burn your child.
  • Look for toys that let the child “tell the story”so that kids can enjoy with the toy
  • Check toys often for hazards like loose parts, broken pieces or sharp edges, and repair or discard any weak or broken toys.
  • Always Keep clean of baby's all toys.
  • How much physical or emotional damage can your child do to another child with the toy?
  • Good toys engage your child's interest and passion for fun, while they develop his physical, mental, and emotional self.

Look for toys that fit your child's interests, and then add some surprises to expand his world.

Monday 15 June 2015

Why Toys and Playtime Are Important for Your Child

Playtime is one of the most fundamental parts of childhood development. Children play in a variety of ways with a number of different toys. Playtime is absolutely necessary for a child and toys play a very important role in the development of a child. Playtime aids in learning and healthy growth of the baby by encouraging exploration and right kind of toys can be a great help in this regard.

Due to each child’s differing speed of development, the needs of each child will vary greatly. One child may want to play the same game again and again, while another may get bored after a few minutes and want to move on to something else.

Toys to Develop Social Skills

Children have played with toys throughout history and in all cultures. So development toys promote children’s well-being. Toys have main role in children's play with one another and help them develop in public.

Developing Language Skills
Toys are vital tools that help in the mental, physical, emotional and social development of boys and girls. Toys are basic instruments for the development of children’s fantasy, thoughts and creativity.

Developing a Sense of Safety

Any toy or game which you can play with your child teaches them that mum and dad are there for them, that you value them and that they are living in a safe environment.

Saturday 13 June 2015

How to make a crying baby happy

Why do babies cry
  • Sleepiness
  • Dirty diaper
  • Hunger
  • Disturbed by any noise
  • Food allergies
  • Pain or illness
  • Gas
  • Fear
Try some of the following cry-stoppers: 

Provide skin to skin contact:- No matter the reason for your baby’s cry, being held by a warm and comforting person offers a feeling of security and may calm his crying. Babies love to be held in arms.Physical contact is what they seek and what usually soothes them best.

Provide motion:-. Babies enjoy repetitive, rhythmic motion such as rocking, swinging, swaying, jiggling, and dancing or a drive in the car. Sometimes it works.

Let music soothe your baby:- Soft, peaceful music is a wonderful baby calmer. You don’t have to be a professional singer to provide your baby with a song; your baby loves to hear your voice.

Distract the baby :- Sometimes a new activity can work. Maybe a walk outside or a dance with a song, or a splashy bath ¾ can be very helpful in turning a fussy baby into a happy one.

Keep babies close :- Play with her,"."If you're having fun with your baby, she's having fun. If you create what I call a 'connected childhood,' that is by far the best step to guarantee your child will be happy."

Recreate movement:- The womb is a constantly moving space and babies tend to respond by calming to movements such as —dancing, swaying from side to side, going for an exaggerated quick walk or bumpy car ride.

Reading your baby’s body language :- Babies are master communicators, just as adults .These come naturally. So to calm babies, it is helpful to follow the baby’s lead and follow one’s heart.

Friday 12 June 2015

Baby Name starting with T- Z

Here you will find a collection of rare, new, uncommon Indian names for your baby starting with.... T to Z

Baby Girl Name

Baby Boy Name

Tuesday 9 June 2015

Baby Name starting with M-S

Here you will find a collection of rare, new, uncommon Indian names for your baby starting with.... M to S

Monday 8 June 2015

Baby Name starting with I - L

Here you will find a collection of rare, new, uncommon Indian names for your baby starting with.... I to L

Baby Girl Name

Baby Boy Name

Wednesday 3 June 2015

Baby Name starting with E-H

Here you will find a collection of rare, new, uncommon Indian names for your baby starting with..

Baby Girl Name

Baby Boy Name

Baby Name starting with F
Here you will find a collection of rare, new, uncommon Indian names for your baby starting with..

Baby Girl Name

Baby Boy Name

Baby Name starting with G
Here you will find a collection of rare, new, uncommon Indian names for your baby starting with..

 Baby Girl Name

Baby Boy Name

Baby Name starting with H
Here you will find a collection of rare, new, uncommon Indian names for your baby starting with..

 Baby Girl Name

Baby Boy Name