Friday 19 June 2015

Toys for 12-24 Months

2 years-old's are full of energy, enthusiasm and growing independence. Check out toys for twos, plus playtime ideas for fun crafts and activities to help your toddler discover the joys of accomplishing new things.

As an infant, your child may have "played" with toys by shaking, banging, or throwing them. Your toddler now is aware of the function of objects, so is more likely to stack blocks, listen or talk into a toy phone, or push a toy car.

Games that your child might enjoy include peekaboo and chasing games. Toddlers are fascinated with housework. Provide toys that will encourage this, such as spoons to play with while you're cooking.

Other toys that toddlers enjoy include:

· Brightly colored balls

· Blocks, stacking and nesting toys

. Listen or talk into a toy phone

· Fat crayons or markers

· Animal or people figures and dolls

· Toy cars and trains

. Push, pull, and riding toys

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