Wednesday 24 June 2015

How to Develop healthy eating habits in KIds

Try to ensure that your baby's foods are packed with nutrients.Choose a mixture of foods from the below four main food groups:

· Fruit and vegetables

· Bread, rice, potatoes, pasta

· Milk and dairy foods

· Meat, fish, eggs, beans

Ways to develop Eating habits

Stick with it-If your baby does reject a food, try offering it again on another day. Keep in mind that your baby may need to taste a food up to 8 times before she happily accepts it. Your baby may pull some negative facial expressions when she tries a new food. It doesn't necessarily mean she dislikes what she's eating.

Promote Fruits and Veggies at Dinner-Babies learn by example. So involve your baby in your mealtimes and let her sit at the table with you. Try to eat something when your baby eats so that she can see you enjoying your food. You can act as her role model .Use vegetables and fruits most in your meals.

Don't force-When food is available all day, children don’t develop their own innate sense of the “tank is full” or the “tank is empty” .So don't force if they are full.

Don’t use much fried food- Fried food is full of fat, so cook baked potatoes and grilled chicken When you do cook with fats, choose healthy oils .

Skip fast food- It might be convenient and (sometimes) tasty, but ultimately, most fast food is just not good for anyone at any age.So always avoid junk food in case of kids.

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