Saturday 20 June 2015

Toys for 2-3 years

Play fills your preschooler’s days, and the first true friendships begin to develop as social skills improve.

With imagination in full gear, three-year-old's are entering a peak period for pretend play.
And they LOVE to ask questions—about everything! 

Have fun encouraging self-expression and rich, exploratory play for your increasingly independent three-year-old. It's a tricky age though - they get more able to entertain themselves once they start having more capacity for imaginative play.
By mixing new things in with the old, the Busy Boxes will seem a lot more interesting. Kids love getting to pick out a few new toys.

3-year-old might play now

· Likes dressing up or pretending she's someone else

· Loves to move and does not care to be still

· Love to hear that people love her

· Basic ball play—like catching or kicking a ball

· Throw a ball a short distance and can catch it if it's thrown directly in his arms

· Starts drawing faces and people

· Make balls, sausages and figures out of play dough

Children develop at their own pace and reach milestones at different times.

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