Friday 3 July 2020

Playtime with Dad improves children's self-control

Playtime with Dad 

                                                     Dad to Dad - Indy's Child Magazine

  • Children whose fathers make time to play with them from a very young age may find it easier to control their behaviour and emotions ass they grow up. 
  • Fathers engage in more physical play,opting for activities such as tickling, chasing and piggy-back rides.This seems to help children learn to control their feelings.

  • It may also make them better at regulating their behaviour later on.

So DAD! please give your time to kids 💓

Wednesday 1 July 2020

Safety Rules for kids on the Road


👍Never Jump a red light.

👍Do not cross the road in a hurry.First look to your right,then to the left and again to the right,then cross over only if it is clear.

👍Always cross the roads at a Zebra Crossing.

👍Do not play or run on the roads.

👍Use footpath for walking.

👍Do not forget to wear seat belt in a moving wheeler.

👍Do not ride bicycle on the roads.

Tuesday 30 June 2020

Kiddddddi..Must Do

Kids Must do these things

All body parts are important.We must take care of them,
How can we do this??😀

👉Wash your hands before touching your eyes.
Summit Trio Creates Kids 'Wash Your Hands Song' and Video | TAPinto

👉Never Poke your eyes, nose or ears with any pointed objects.
Glue ear - could my toddler or child have it? - MadeForMums

 👉Clean your tongue after brush your teeth.
Brushing Basics: Teaching Kids Oral Health

👉Bath daily to keep your body skin clean.
Sick of bathing kids EVERY day? Here are 5 reasons you don't need to!

👉Wash your face twice a day. 

Skin Care Tips for Tweens - How to Wash Your Face

👌Amazing body fact:- We have 5 sense organs,which we should take care from childhood.

Monday 29 June 2020


   Balanced diet
Energy -Giving food٠  Body Building food ۰Protective food

Energy Giving food:--- Rice ,chapattis ,sugar, potatoes,butter and ghee. 

Body building food:--- Milk eggs, cheese, fish, beans, nuts, pulses, meat etc.

Protective food:---Green leafy vegetables ,fruits ,milk and milk products.

When we take all 3 kinds of food in right amount ,it is said that we have taken Balanced Diet.

food amazing fact:- Cucumber is a food item that contains 96% of water.

Tuesday 16 January 2018

Expected Mother...Eat nuts to boost the baby's IQ

Attention Expected Mother!!!

Eating egg yolks,fish,legumes, nuts and broccoli during last trimester of pregnancy can boost IQ of babies. Researches showed the role in prenatal brain development and many benefits in the offspring of pregnant women who daily consumed close to twice amount of choline during their last trimester.They also tested the information processing speed  and visuo-spatial memory of babies 4, 7, 10 and 13 months of age to measure IQ in childhood.The findings indicated that the information processing speed were significantly faster for the group of women who consumed 930 mg/day when compared with the group that took 480 mg/day over the same period.

Tuesday 5 December 2017

Physical fitness may boost kids academic performance

Children, who are physically fit, may possess a greater volume of Grey matter that may help enhancing their academic performance .Physical fitness leads to the presence of more grey matter in the brain..

An increase in grey matter in various regions of the brain boosts learning ,functioning and reading processes of the child.

The results showed that higher cardio-respiratory  fitness was related to grater grey volumes,specifically in frontal regions,sub cortical region of the brain.

Physical fitness is a factor that can be modified through physical exercise and combining exercise and improve the aerobic capacity and motor ability would be an effective approach to stimulate brain development

Wednesday 30 August 2017

Skin Care rules for new Mothers

During and after pregnancy, every part of your body need extra care and attention.Hormonal changes,stretched skin and sweat can trigger painful skin conditions that may cause discomfort and irritation.

Here are few tips to help you keep skin hydrated and moisturized.

  • Choose a mild yet effective body butter that soothes ,hydrates and balance the skin.
  • Choose  a moisturiser having rose,jasmine fragrance that help relax the mind.
  • Avoid wearing synthetic and rough material that cause rash and irritation to the skin.
  • Avoid using strong soaps,instead use a mild soap which prevents the post bath dryness.
  • During the initial days of breastfeeding ,you may experience sore and cracked nipples.Use product with natural ingredients that enriched with coconut oil that helps protect the skin from cracks .
  • Massage your skin daily with oil that is enriched with sesame oil.

Wednesday 9 August 2017


  • Get more protein Vitamin C and B, minerals like zinc , calcium , magnesium and iron
  • Use a good quality probiotic.
  • Eat organic as far as possible.
  • Avoid artificial sweeteners /MSG /artificial colours and flavours.

Breastfeeding good for mums

Breastfeeding can do wonders to not just the baby's health but the mother's too in a big way.


The process burns up a lot of energy . It breaks down the unnecessary fat that accumulate in a woman's body during pregnancy.


Nursing reduces a woman's lifetime exposure to hormones like estrogen , which can promote breast cancer cell growth .


Breastfeeding  protects mental health because it lower the inflammatory response.


Studies show that mother who are breastfeeding their babies report longer longer sleep times and feel better and more energetic during the day.


Study says breastfeeding may help mothers lower their risk of heart attack and stork.this happens because the body 's metabolism changes after giving birth,doing away with excess fat serves.

Tuesday 11 July 2017

Must Eye Exercises for KIDS

Simple and Must Exercises for your Gadgets Used to Kids

  • PALMING : Rub your palms together to generate heat.Cup your palms over your closed eyes. Repeat this for few minutes DAILY.

  • BLINKING : The simplest of all exercises,blinking rapidly helps keep your eyes moisturized.

  • EYES ROLLING : Closed your eyes and roll your pupils in circular motion.Do this exercise clockwise and counter clockwise , five times each.

Tuesday 31 January 2017

How to avoid muscle cramp


Lack of water can cause muscles to contract.Even day to day functioning requires you to drink more water than usual, which is 8- 10 glasses.


Lack of iron leads to lack of muscle oxygenation,which results cramps. So eat more iron contains products like leafy green vegetables, whole grains, nuts and meat etc.


Zinc is a trace mineral which is very important for muscular activity,This mineral is found in foods like oysters, crab, red meat , beans and legume.Multivitamin supplement is also good. Also Low Magnesium results in cramps.So one should eat dark leafy vegetables,fish,seeds,nuts,yogurt and bananas.


Vitamin D helps in maintaining the balance of calcium and phosphorous an. A deficiency of this  can cause cramping.Eat egg yolk,fatty fish and cheese.

Thursday 17 November 2016

How to develop Healthy food habbit in Kids

It is bit difficult to nurture healthy relationship with food at an early age so that every meal is a happy one later in life.If food is used as bribe from an early age,the child will grow into an adult who uses food for reasons other than its purest need (nutrition). 

And we all know what that leads to......

Here are the smallest attempt  to change behaviour or bad relationship with food.🌝


This is probably the hardest to enforce. As a parent ,do not give  in to the urge to constantly use food as a bribe.Pacifying your little ones with his or her favourite treats leads to a greater dependence  on emotional eating as a adult .


This method works best when trying to ban sugary drinks or treats or an overload of fat.Make your kid understand the impact of what excess sugar actually dos to their teeth or how it slows down their academic performance or even their level of physical activity.


Moderate the intake of unhealthy food but don't ban it altogether.You could allow them to choose their own time and environment to eat it in, giving them a better sense of control over the process. If they know they can still dip into their favourite treats once in a while, exercising restraint at other times becomes easy... on both your child and you 🌝.

Wednesday 31 August 2016

Must know facts about your baby's brain

Here are the facts about little one's brain every parents should know .....

Baby' brain grows rapidly

After birth , the human brain grows rapidly , more than doubling to reach 0 % of its adult size by the time the kid is one year.By kindergarten , the brain has reached its full size but may not finish developing until his mid 20's.

Lantern VS Flashlight 

Baby brains have many more neuronal connections than the brains of adult.Baby perception to a lantern , scattering light across the room, where adult perception is more like a flashlight , consciously focused on specific things but ignoring the background details.

Babbling signals learning

Within their lantern 's light, babies focus momentarily.When thy do, they usually  make babbling sounds to convey interest .Few signal to adults that they are ready to learn.What makes babies smarter is talking to them,dialogue is best.Brains can be empowered. 

Educational DVDs are not worth

Babies divide up the world between things that respond to them and things that don't.Things that don't are not worth it.A recording does not follow a baby's cues which is why infant DVDs , have been found to be ineffective.

They need more than parents

Spending time with non-parental caregivers- a granny , a daycare teacher,a family friend -helps infants learn to read different facial expression and expand their ability to take the perspective of others.

Wednesday 17 August 2016

Importance of Breastfeeding and Why it matters ...

Breastfeeding is more than nutrition,it's a parenting tool.

Breastfeeding is the biologically normal way to feed babies.Giving artificial baby milk increases the odds of the child and mother developing certain conditions. For the baby,these include increased risk of infectious morbidity , childhood obesity , leukemia and sudden infant death syndrome etc.. For the mother, not going for breastfeeding increases risks of pre -menopausal breast cancer,ovarian cancer,weight gain etc.

In truth, it is  breastfeeding that gives women  sense of feeling empowered.

Breastfeeding is so much more than nutrition.It is an emotional connection .....

In parts of Europe , maternity leave is a year long with options to extend it further. Considering the benefits it would have to the health of the nation, India has  a long way to go.In addition to extending maternity leave from the current 12 weeks, we need laws in place to ensure that corporate provide adequate pumping rooms and facilities for refrigeration.

Babies could be saved around the world every year through improved breastfeeding rates.

Tuesday 2 August 2016

Bad habits that stop productivity in kids

How to improve bad habits which stop productivity . Let's have a look

These days children like fast food more than healthy food which is not good for them. Junk food can result in lethargy and weight gain.

What you can do:You can make something healthy at home like carrot fries or sliced potatoes grilled with olive oil for them to vanish their craving for salty fries with ketchup.

Kids are very much interested in playing games,watching cartoon or movies on parents's phone.But staying glued to screen for hours can be really bad for them.

What you can do: Try to avoid smart phone in front of their children as they follow parents.Talk to them , listen them and try to understand what they think.Indulge them in outdoor activities which help to develop their brain.

It is easy to forget to drink water whether they are at home or in school.Not drinking enough water  can cause dehydration,nausea and chemical imbalance in body.

What you can do:Give food which have a lot of fluids in them like watermelons,cucumbers and offer lot of water to them.It refreshes and keeps them focused.

Thursday 31 March 2016

Home remedies for toothache

The basic fault may lie in your child's diet: candy, chocolate pastries and soft drinks. Bacteria present in the mouth breakdown sugar into acids, which combine with the calcium in the enamel. This causes decay or erosion of teeth leading to cavities, gum disease or even exposed tooth roots.

Toothache occurs when the decay has penetrated the pulp chamber of the tooth or is very close to it. This is the chamber which contains the nerves and tiny blood vessels and is especially sensitive to decay or any kind of disturbance.
Here are few home remedies:
  •  Rub garlic, cashew or clove oil (laung ka tel) on the affected tooth. If your child protests, put the oil on his index finger and tell him to apply the oil gently on the affected area. This should relieve the pain.
  • Make small pieces of potato and cool them in your fridge. Give you child pieces of cold potato and tell him to place them inside his mouth on the tooth that is paining. The cold will sooth the pain. 
  • Place a little wad of dried mint leaf around the tooth and make your child spit out every few minutes. Peppermint is good for relieving pain.
  •  Do not pull out a loose tooth. Let your child judge if the tooth is loose enough to come out and let him try to do so himself.

 Ask your child to point out the source of the ache. When he opens his mouth,check for red spots and swelling inside his cheeks. If these are not visible,chances are you have a toothache on your hands. Get an appointment with your family dentist immediately.    

Friday 11 March 2016

Kids, watch that cup of coffee

Survey Shows Daily Intake By School Students In Delhi Higher Than That of US

Excessive intake of caffeine has been linked to bad health. But do children care? A survey conducted by University College of Medical Sciences (UCMS) in three Delhi schools has revealed that on an average students take 121 mg caffeine daily , mainly in the form of coffee and tea.
It is much higher than the average intake reported among teenagers in developed countries. However, there are enough studies to prove excessive caffeine intake can have a negative effect in terms of optimal sleep and overall growth and development. It also ups the risk of engaging in risky behaviours,“ said Dr Piyush Gupta, professor of paediatrics at UCMS.

He added that tea and coffee were the most common sources of caffeine but a few students also consumed energy drinks.

In the survey , published in the latest issue of the Indian Journal of Community Medicine, the researchers found 97% students took caffeine in one or the other form. The effect of caffeine is worst in the children who have anxiety disorder,“ he said.

Dr Omar added that if a child has undiagnosed arrhythmia (irregular heart rhythm), caffeine can increase excitability and worsen the condition.

Apart from coffee, caffeine is found in tea, cola beverages, energy drinks and certain medicines also. “ A mug of instant coffee contains about 100 mg of caffeine. The general advice is that adults should not have more than three to four cups of coffee daily and students not more than two cups,“ said Dr Anoop Misra, chairman. Fortis C-doc.

Caffeine, experts say , also enhances the preference for sweet foods and leads to an overall greater incidence of being overweight. There are more direct effects on neural, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal and renal functions.

So Parents ...Keep an eye on your childrens...

Friday 26 February 2016

Baby Love-Eat Right

You have been married for fee years and you feel it's time to get pregnant .you 'd like to increase your chance of fertility .what should you do?

The National Infertility Association in the US recently stated that almost 30% of infertility cases are due to 'weight extremes' i.e., where the women is either excessively overweight or under weight.

There is a definite correlation between nutrition and fertility.Consider theses below ways to find out.

1. A Sensible Diet-sensible means means will reduce your weight if you are overweight. Proteins, fats, carbs ,vitamins  and minerals must be represented in their recommended quantities for you to nourish your body and lose weight at the same time.

2. Eating Smart-It is not just eating right, it is also  about eating smart.There are foods that boost ovulation. Iron rich diets- foods like beans, eggs,dals, whole grain,spinach reduce the chance of infertility .

3. Less Bad Fats-like trans fats.More fibres and multivitamins must take.


it is not just the women.Men need to keep a watch on their diets have to maintain your weight and eat right because male obesity impacts testosterone and other hormones levels.

Wednesday 17 February 2016

Breastfeeding can cut child deaths

India has a national law - Infant Milk Substitutes Feeding Bottles, and Infant Foods (Regulation of Production, Supply and Distribution) Act - that has placed restrictions on sales of milk substitutes. However, there has been very little awareness created on the benefits of breastfeeding over the years.

According to Dr Arun Gupta from the Breastfeeding Promotion Network of India, the law needs to be enforced more effectively and adequate maternity protection including nine months of paid maternity leave must be introduced.

The Lancet study found that cognitive losses associated with "not'' breastfeeding, which impact earning potential, amount to $302 billion worldwide annually. Extensive marketing by formula makers remains a big barrier to increase the number of breastfed children. Low and middle-income countries lose more than $70 billion annually, while high-income countries lose more than $230 billion annually due to low rates of breastfeeding.

The health benefits extend to the mother as well, with reductions in risk of breast and ovarian cancer. Based on all the existing research and according to new estimates created for this report, rise in breastfeeding could prevent extra 20,000 deaths from breast cancer each year globally.

 For India, considering the 7% protection provided by breastfeeding, it translates to preventing 4,915 deaths annually out of 70,000 deaths that occur now.

India has estimated obesity of 20% and breastfeeding provides 26% protection. Increasing breastfeeding could therefore provide 5.2 % reduction in obesity. This could be a useful addition to the effort towards control of non-communicable diseases.

Monday 1 February 2016

Indian kids are obese, face health risks

'22% of Indian kids are obese, face health risks'

A new report by a commission formed by the World Health Organisation (WHO) has identified "marketing of unhealthy foods and non-alcoholic beverages" as a major factor in the increase in numbers of children being overweight and obese, particularly in the developing world.

Globally, the trend is high among children under five years of age with at least 41 million found to be obese or overweight in 2014. 
According to the report, in poorer countries, children of wealthier families are more likely to be obese, especially in cultures where "an overweight child is often considered to be healthy." However, in wealthier countries, poorer children are more likely to be obese partly because of the affordability of fatty fast food and high sugary snacks.

The report has made a host of recommendations to reverse the trend. This includes promoting intake of healthy foods, promoting physical activity, preconception and pregnancy care among others.

Friday 8 January 2016

Benefits of eating blueberries

Blueberries are rich in antioxidants that help you stay away from several diseases. Not only are they tasty but they're also low in fat.

1) Blueberries have little sugar and a lower glycaemic index value compared to many other fruits, making them a healthy option.

Regulates blood sugar: Those having type 2 diabetes can have a problem in regulating their blood sugar levels. Studies suggest that blueberries can help such patients as they maintain the blood glucose levels.

2) They are an excellent source of disease-fighting polyphenols and vitamins C and K, along with manganese.

Reduces Cancer risk: Blueberries help attack cancer-causing radicals and can even block tumour cells from forming. Researchers have suggested that the fruit can act as a therapeutic agent for the early stage of prostate cancer.

3) Their purported health benefits range from helping to protect against heart disease and some cancers, as well as working to help improve your memory.

Vitamin C: Blueberries contain Vitamin C, which builds your immune system. It decreases the chances of developing various eye problems that damage the optic nerve. Hence, doctors often prescribe blueberries in your diet.

4) Blueberries are a good addition to your diet, but a mixture with other berries is even better.

Fights Urinary Tract Infections: Urinary tract infections are caused by bacteria. Blueberries contain compounds that prevent bacteria from sticking to bladder walls. Hence, blueberries are highly recommended for those with such infections.

5) A study showed a one-third reduction in the risk of heart disease among women who ate a mixed bowl of blueberries and strawberries three times a week

Boosts brain health: According to scientists, blueberries help brain functions. In fact, studies performed suggest that adults who were given blueberries did well on memory tests. It is also said that blueberries act as a preventive method for cognitive decline.

Friday 11 December 2015

Kids Develop self-esteem even before they turn five

Children may develop a sense of self-esteem even before they begin kindergarten, reveals an interesting research.

"We found that by as young as five years of age, self-esteem is established strongly enough to be measured using sensitive techniques," said lead study author Dario Cvencek, research scientist at University of Washington.

Researchers created a Preschool Implicit Association Test (PSIAT), to measure how strongly children feel positively about themselves.

To make the task appropriate for preschoolers, a mix of 234 boys and girls of five-year-old from the Seattle area, replaced words related to the self ("me," "not me") with objects. They used small unfamiliar flags, and where told about "yours" and "not yours".

Using buttons on a computer, children responded to a series of "me" and "not me" flags, using words and pressing the buttons.

The results showed that the five-year-old associated themselves more with "good" than with "bad", and this was equally pronounced in both girls and boys.

A gender identity task assessed the children's sense of whether they are a boy or a girl, called a "gender in-group preference".

Children with high self-esteem and strong sense of gender identity showed preferences for members of their own gender.

"Self-esteem appears to play a critical role in how children form various social identities. Our findings underscore the importance of the first five years as a foundation for life," Cvencek said.

Thursday 3 December 2015

Avoid cosmetics during first 3 months for a Healthy Baby

Expectant mothers in their first trimester should avoid certain cosmetics, cleaning agents and medicines, to protect the  developing fetal brain from chemicals that can trigger autism, suggest health researchers from York University in Canada.

"The products that we use on a daily basis, such as creams and cosmetics, contain chemicals that could potentially affect a developing baby during pregnancy," said one of the researchers professor Dorota Crawford.

Besides cosmetics and lotions, the list of products that expectant mothers should avoid during first trimester, according to the researchers, include - cleaning solvents, pesticides, non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as acetylsalicylic acid, misoprostol (a drug used for inducing labour), poly-chlorinated bisphenyls used as industrial lubricants, polybrominated diphenyl ether found in wood and textiles, phthalates in PVC flooring, and children's toys.

Aside from the type of chemical a pregnant woman is exposed to, the duration, the frequency and the concentration level also impact a developing brain at the prenatal stage, the researchers said.

According to the researchers, prenatal brain development undergoes constant changes and its normal functioning depends greatly on the presence of specific genes at any given time.

Since environmental factors influence the expression levels of these critical genes, it is important for an expectant mother to be aware and cautious of exposure to these factors.