Friday 29 May 2015

Baby Name starting with A - D

Here you will find a collection of rare, new, uncommon Indian names for your baby starting with A to D...

Baby Girl Name



Baby Boy Name



Thursday 28 May 2015

You are going to call me what ?? Importance of Name.....

How Important Is a Name !!

Today I want to tell you about the importance 

of Name. 

Actually A Name is our identification.This is something by which we introduce ourselves to others.

Names and identities are our first impressions.

The sense of personal identity and uniqueness that a name gives us is at the heart of why names interest us and why they are important to us .


A person's name matters a lot more than we might think. Everyone recognizes himself or herself by name.

A name is usually not given lightly. It represents thought and feelings and can be significant to the researcher.

So always choose a meaningful name for your kid.

A name is a powerful thing. It is a descriptor that allows people to make quick judgments and assumptions about us.

Wednesday 27 May 2015

Food for 2-3 years old Baby

Compared to the toddler years, 3-year old kids have smaller stomachs and lower energy needs relative to their size.

They tend to get full on a small amount of food,Hence allow them to follow their hunger cues.Avoid giving him foods that he might choke on.

The active child of this age needs between 1200 and 1600 calories. This plan is based on the food group breakdown for 1400 calories.

Calories1423 kcals
Fat61 g
Protein53 g
Carbohydrate176 g
Fiber24 g

Your child is capable of helping with some meal preparation: scrubbing vegetables, snapping peas, tearing salad greens, and peeling bananas.


Plan regular meals and snacks with a variety of foods, and let children eat how much or how little they want.

Divide food menu in below sequence at this age.
  • Breakfast
  • Snack
  • Lunch
  • Snack
  • Dinner

Tuesday 26 May 2015

Food for 12-24 months old Baby

By now your child is very active! He may be beginning to walk and even talk.

If you were unable to or decided not to breastfeed, you should switch from formula to 16 to 24 ounces of whole milk per day when your child is 12 months old. 

Gradually increase the consistency of food as they get older.

When your child is 2 years old, you should switch dairy products to low-fat or nonfat varieties.

The average 2 year old should be eating the following amounts:
8 ounces
8 Ounces
3 ounces
2 Ounces
16 ounces milk/yogurt or 4 ounces cheese

Monday 25 May 2015

Food for 6-12 months Baby

Babies’ eating habits change during the period of six to twelve months of age. Breast milk is still the main source of energy and nutrients, but babies need other foods to develop and grow properly.

What to feed

  • Breast milk or formula Milk

  • Pureed or strained fruits (banana, pears, applesauce, peaches)

  • Pureed or strained vegetables (avocado, well-cooked carrots, squash, and sweet potato)
  • Small amounts of protein (eggs,pureed meats, poultry, and boneless fish

  • Pureed tofu
  • Boiled rice water and Dal water

  • Small amounts of unsweetened yogurt (but no cows' milk until age 1)

  • Pureed legumes (black beans, chickpeas, edamame, fava beans, black-eyed peas, lentils, and kidney beans)
  • Iron-fortified cereals (barley, wheat, oats, mixed cereals)

6-8 Months of age:
Breastfeed every 3-4 hours or Formula 24-37 ounces

9-12 Months of age:
Breastfeed every 4-5 hours or Formula 24-31 ounces

Remember :-Allow baby to take the lead when eating. Wait for baby’s mouth to open when you offer food.

Saturday 23 May 2015

Food for Baby up to 6 Months

The first food that you give your baby must be easy to digest and unlikely to provoke an allergic reaction. Don't be tempted to add salt or sugar to your baby's food.First bites are a big milestone in baby's life.

Don't expect her to eat very much at a time.Most of her nutrition will come from breastmilk or formula.

Food chart for a baby up to 6 moths

Breast Milk\Formula Milk Feedings

0-3 Months of age: 
Breastfeed every 1-3 hours or Formula 18-40 ounces

4-5 Months of age:
Breastfeed every 2-4 hours or Formula 24-45 ounces

6-8 Months of age: 
Breastfeed every 3-4 hours or Formula 24-37 ounces

9-12 Months of age: 
Breastfeed every 4-5 hours or Formula 24-31 ounces

Friday 22 May 2015

Ways to play with your Newborn

Playing with your newborn will bring you closer

and help your baby learn about the world. Play 

ideas for newborn babies are very simple.

Here are some ideas for newly parents:

  • Sing nursery rhymes, chat, tickle him.

  • Make faces, smile, laugh, roll your eyes, poke out your tongue, wave your hands gently. Newborn is the one person who will be completely fascinated by mother face.

  •  Soft toys or a rattle are great fun when your baby is ready for them.

  •   Give baby different things.So that he is to look at – outside, inside, different people, different rooms.

Wednesday 20 May 2015

How to Lose Weight after Cesarean EASILY.............

Mothers who have had a C-section to deliver their babies generally have more difficulty losing weight and reshaping their bodies than those who had normal deliveries.

Physicians recommend that you wait until your 6-week C-section before starting exercising

Here are few tips for C-Section Mothers

  • Yoga is one of the best ways to get a flat tummy after c-section. Try out the yoga asanas like pranayama to tighten your abdominal muscles and tuck in your tummy.

  • Drink Lots Of Water Water helps to restore the fluid balance of the body. It might be surprising but water also helps to flush out excess fats from your system.

  • Low-Fat Diet If you are a breastfeeding mother, do not go for a low-fat diet. You need carbohydrates to give you extra energy. You should ideally have proteins, fresh vegetables, fruits but stay away from raw fats like ghee, butter and sweets.
  • Go For Brisk Walks You may not be strong enough to run on the treadmill yet. But you need to do cardio exercises. So, start by going for brisk walks and slowly increase the pace of walking until you can sprint again.

Yoga Steps to reduce tummy size after Delivery

Motherhood is the beginning of a new life for every woman and yoga helps in bringing about a balance.

Pose 1:-Tiger Pose

The Tiger pose is extremely beneficial for women after giving delivery. It helps in relieving physical complications post pregnancy, relieving back pain, rejuvenating the female sexual organs, toning the muscles of legs, arms and shoulders, aiding weight loss and improving digestive health. 

Pose 2:-Cobra Pose (Bhujangasan )
The Cobra pose or Bhujangasan is extremely effective in lower back pain – a common problem for women after delivery. It helps in strengthening the spine and improving blood and oxygen circulation .

Pose 3:-Pigeon Pose
The Pigeon pose helps in toning the hips, thighs and leg muscles. It increases hip flexibility and reduces the stiffness of the lower body. It also prevents urinary infections that women often suffer from after pregnancy.

Pose 4:- Child’s Pose

This Pose is for stretching the tense lower-back and hip muscles. It also helps in toning the thighs, and relieving the stiffness of ankles. 

Pose 5:-Half-Spinal Twist Pose

The Half-spinal twist pose is extremely beneficial for increasing the flexibility of the spine and relieving back pain experienced after pregnancy. It helps in improving blood flow to the spine and tones the muscles of back, hips, abdomen and shoulders. 

Tuesday 19 May 2015

Home Remedies to Reduce Belly Fat after Delivery

You may be very surprised by the way your tummy looks after birth. Even though your baby is out, It takes time for your body – especially your belly – to fully recover from pregnancy. So patience is key.

Natural tips

  • Lemon and Honey-Start your day with this magic drink.

  • Green Tea-Drink Green tea.

  • Apple-Include Apple in your diet.

  • Breastfeeding- Breastfeeding is a marvelous thing! It helps your uterus contract to its normal size MUCH quicker than if you bottle feed.

  •  Avoid sugary substances-Stay away from sweets, sweetened drinks and foods rich in oil. Consuming these foods can increase weight around various areas of your body like abdomen and thighs.
  • Walking-Walk daily 20-30 mins to burn out your belly fat.

  • Chew your food-Chewing your food is equally important when you are trying to get back to shape. Proper chewing will ensure that you limit your caloric intake which would also aid in the process of digestion.
  • Exercise- Even with all your proper diet habits you wouldn't be able to lose all that fat around your belly if you fail to do some physical activity.