Tuesday 19 May 2015

Home Remedies to Reduce Belly Fat after Delivery

You may be very surprised by the way your tummy looks after birth. Even though your baby is out, It takes time for your body – especially your belly – to fully recover from pregnancy. So patience is key.

Natural tips

  • Lemon and Honey-Start your day with this magic drink.

  • Green Tea-Drink Green tea.

  • Apple-Include Apple in your diet.

  • Breastfeeding- Breastfeeding is a marvelous thing! It helps your uterus contract to its normal size MUCH quicker than if you bottle feed.

  •  Avoid sugary substances-Stay away from sweets, sweetened drinks and foods rich in oil. Consuming these foods can increase weight around various areas of your body like abdomen and thighs.
  • Walking-Walk daily 20-30 mins to burn out your belly fat.

  • Chew your food-Chewing your food is equally important when you are trying to get back to shape. Proper chewing will ensure that you limit your caloric intake which would also aid in the process of digestion.
  • Exercise- Even with all your proper diet habits you wouldn't be able to lose all that fat around your belly if you fail to do some physical activity. 

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