Friday 15 May 2015

Bathing your newborn

A bath before bedtime helps make the baby to sleep easier.Apply a little massage to your baby before bath.

How to bath your newborn: 

  • Wash your hands and Gather what you need for the bath itself, including the tub, a cup for pouring water, gentle baby soap and one clean towel.

  • Roll up long sleeves, and remove jewelry like watches, rings, and bracelets.
  • Make sure the room is warm. Use your elbow to test the bath water. Do not use cold water to bathe your baby, even in summer. Use lukewarm water.
  • Bring your baby to the bath area. Wrap her in a towel, keeping her head exposed so you can wash her face and hair before you put her in the bath.
  • Use a soft washcloth to gently wash the baby's face, body, arms and legs.
  • Use a little baby soap on a washcloth to wash the baby's hands and feet.

  • Use the cup to pour clean water over the baby's head.
  • Support the baby's head, neck, and back with one arm, and hold his or her bottom and thigh with the other. Place baby in a towel, being careful to cover his or her head.
  • Lay out what you'll need after the bath, including a towel, a brush or comb, lotion or oil, a diaper, diaper ointment and a clean set of clothes nearby.

  • Dry the baby's body first, making sure to dry gently behind the ears and in the skin folds.
  • Finally, dress your baby in clean clothes, wrap her in a dry, warm blanket, and give her a kiss.

Please watch below video on you tube for better clarity 

Bathing NewBorn

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