Wednesday 20 May 2015

How to Lose Weight after Cesarean EASILY.............

Mothers who have had a C-section to deliver their babies generally have more difficulty losing weight and reshaping their bodies than those who had normal deliveries.

Physicians recommend that you wait until your 6-week C-section before starting exercising

Here are few tips for C-Section Mothers

  • Yoga is one of the best ways to get a flat tummy after c-section. Try out the yoga asanas like pranayama to tighten your abdominal muscles and tuck in your tummy.

  • Drink Lots Of Water Water helps to restore the fluid balance of the body. It might be surprising but water also helps to flush out excess fats from your system.

  • Low-Fat Diet If you are a breastfeeding mother, do not go for a low-fat diet. You need carbohydrates to give you extra energy. You should ideally have proteins, fresh vegetables, fruits but stay away from raw fats like ghee, butter and sweets.
  • Go For Brisk Walks You may not be strong enough to run on the treadmill yet. But you need to do cardio exercises. So, start by going for brisk walks and slowly increase the pace of walking until you can sprint again.

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