Wednesday 6 May 2015

Formula Feeding

Although experts believe breast milk is the best 

nutritional choice for infants.

But Breastfeeding may not be possible for all women.

Sometimes Mothers thinks that if they don't 

breastfeed, they won't bond with their baby. But this

is not true, loving mothers will always create a 

special bond with their children.Women who opt to 

formula feed don't have to worry about the things 

they eat or drink that could affect their babies.

Tips to be taken care when it comes to formula

  • Make sure all bottles, nipples, and other utensils should clean. Boil them in water before use .
  • Boil water for making formula milk and leave it to cool for no longer than half an hour.
  • Pour the exact amount of water into the bottle.
  • Add the right number of scoops to the bottle with the scoop provided.
  • Put on the cover and shake the bottle .
  • Test the temperature of milk before feeding. It should feel just warm, not hot. 
  • If quantity of formula is more and not used once .U can Refrigerate prepared formula only for 5-6 hours in winter and 2-3 hours in summer
  • For making refrigerated or frozen milk hot again, put the bottle in warm water and turn often until it reaches room temp .Test a few drops on the inside of your wrist before feeding.


The Best Positions for Bottle Feeding

Your baby’s head will be higher than the rest of the body and Baby will be able to feel your closeness.

It’s also a good if you switch arms mid-feeding, just as if you were switching breasts.

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