Friday 8 May 2015

Massage Steps

This activity should be done when baby not so 

hungry not so full .It may be before baby nap or 

after bath.

Steps :- 

  •  Before you begin, make sure the room is warm and quiet. 
  • Take off any jewelry that could get in the way.
  • If the oil is cool, rub it between your hands to warm it up before applying it to your baby's body.So Warm oil by rubbing hands.
  • Start massage with baby legs and then upwards and  lightly squeezing calves and thighs.
  • Softy place both hands flat against the center of her chest. Spread your hands to the sides, as if flattening the pages of a book.
  • Massage Head very softly only on side portion.
  • Keep going for as long as your baby seems to be enjoying it.
  • Massage should include baby’s ankles, wrists and fingers.
  • As the baby grows, you can apply a little more pressure. A toddler can handle a slightly firmer massage than an infant.
  • Start by massaging for just five minutes. This will give your baby time to get used to the feeling of being massaged.Go a little longer each time until you work up to half an hour or so.

Please refer below video for better understanding on you tube.

 with Pictures on Wiki How

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